Friday, May 4, 2012

Project 7: Sytrus

In this project I learned how to create sounds using the Sytrus channel. At first I was a little lost at first because the channels so big and confusing, but now i understand most of it. I found help from the default and found out how they created different noises. I started with a simple sign wave and played around with the operator and, FX knobs until I heard something I liked. I made a pattern in the piano roll and used that for the main rhythm. I added a Bass sound with the BOOBASS channel to fill empty places. I then added a drum beat for pattern 3 that i think went well with the other sounds. And to finally change it up a little I created another pattern in Sytrus for a fill. Just the pattern has a higher pitch and a small pattern change. I didn't really go for anything specific I just went with the flow. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

ADSR Project

For My ADSR (attack, decay, sustain, release) project I used poi-zone, and FPC. It starts off as a kind of dub step noise with some drums. I went for a BASS kind of wobbly sound as the main PoiZone beat. For the first two patterns I used the same BASS noise in PoiZone and, transposed the same rhythm in the first two patterns. My third pattern is my drum beat. I used the drum beat to make it sound better and fill holes in between sounds. For my pattern four I created a fill with PoiZone that I think helps the loop fade out. For the last part of the song I used my pattern one beat but, I did not add drums so the song could fade out better. I hope it came out okay. Enjoy