Monday, February 27, 2012

Project 2

Here is my project 2. In this project I learned how to use diffrent channels. One channel I used was FL Slayer, I could not really find many patterns that i liked, but i ended up finding okay sounds. Another Channel i learned how to use was FPC. In FPC there are many diffrent presets and noises and there is so much to choose from. I found some good drums and had the most luck with FPC. This project is very simple but hass a basically good rythme that I hope you like. Enjoy

Monday, February 6, 2012

Project one

This is my project one drum loop. It has a pretty basic beat to it. The kick i picked isnt anything fancy but it fits. The high hat i felt went really well with the kick drum and the snare drums. As the loop goes on i used more of the high hat. I added pattern 3 in between pattern 1 and 2 as a filler. At the end of pattern 3 i added snare drums that increasingly get louder. I did this because it went with the flow of the beat and gives the loop that finished feeling. Enjoy